Staff Nutritionist

Staff Nutritionist

Staff Nutritionist

Nutrition Director
Nutrition Counseling in Austin TX
The dietitians at Austin Counseling and Nutrition are all Intuitive Eating aligned. The ultimate eating goal for all of our clients is to be attuned to the natural cues of their bodies.
While most people assume they know all about "healthy eating", most of them are terribly misled by the barrage of misinformation on the internet and in the media. As dietitians, we help people break free of the messages and understand the actual biology of eating.
Legalizing food is an important step in feeling peace with food. Realizing that all foods have nutritional benefit can improve the ability to attune to actual needs (rather than the needs made up in the brain--the wrong organ to listen to regarding eating).
What does a dietitian do?
Helps you stop feeling guilty about everything you eat.
Helps you attune to your body's natural cues to determine when, what, and how much to eat.
Helps you better understand natural body size diversity, and that the BMI scale is total BS.
Helps you navigate exercise--whether it is appropriate for you, and setting reasonable limits.